Friday, April 1, 2022

the toa newsletter, april 2022

Hi reader - I write to you today at great personal risk, for on this finest of holy days I know that anything and everything I say will be subject to the most careful scrutiny. Is it true, today? Should we call it FOA? Regardless, here I am, knowing that nothing is believable at the start of the fourth month. I shared the origin story of that revelation last year when I described an April Fool's joke that almost died on the runway, and in the years since I've stuck to sharing nothing but the immediately verifiable to ensure that the calendar didn't add any new confusion to the ongoing mess of TOA.

I suppose this is also why I feel compelled to share occasional admin updates about the upcoming TOA schedule. After all, why create confusion from silence? In terms of TOA being in-season/off-season, I think sometime soon - perhaps Sunday, likely April 10 - we'll toggle down to off-season mode for a few weeks. I'm starting to get the hang of it - the post last week came down to the wire, and I know by now that I'm not going to move any faster just because I'm behind schedule. We'll get back to in-season when I have a few Sunday posts in reserve for the slow weeks. Never fear, however, for the filler isn't too bad these days - lots of reading clearouts for you bookworms, and maybe we'll get around to closing out the long-delayed 2021 TOA Awards.

It remains to be seen on which day I'll post the filler content during the upcoming off-season. In the past I've stuck to having these on Sundays, but I might try it mid-week just to see how it works out. On the other hand, if I have any quick or short comments that would normally go mid-week then for a change I might try those out on Sundays. You might think there is some grand reason for all of this, but let me assure you that I make this up as I go along.

All that said, I think it's enough nonsense for today. Time to go tell some lies! You can borrow my classic "did you know the initials of the first person to lick an ice cream cone was JP?" or you can even think of your own. Good luck out there, reader, and don't believe anything.