Thursday, February 17, 2022

proper lab-min, february 2022

Hi reader,

I was going to write a quick post today about the Winter Olympics, but things didn't go to plan... you'll see it Sunday (probably). For some reason I can't let go of this otherwise invented idea that I should post something today, so let's go back to an old concept - proper lab-min, where we peek into the drafts folder and have a look at tomorrow's trash, today.

Circuses and safety nets

We have this idea in America of the social safety net - assistance for vulnerable people experiencing poverty. First thing, reader, I'm all for it, this idea of assistance I mean, and any longtime TOA subscriber surely knows this already from those many posts on the topic over all these years.

Today's comment is a gripe about the analogy. In a circus, a safety net catches performers if they fall. Again, I think this is a great concept, and I'm all for it. But if millions of performers were falling into the net, wouldn't we stop the circus? The point is to catch them, just in case something unexpected happens. Or did I miss the memo that we should expect, accept, so many millions in poverty? We seem fine that people remain in poverty, and what do I know about the circus.


I agree to a certain extent when people point out the problem of someone "being cancelled" - in this case, I'm thinking about someone coming under public fire (mostly online) for something, with this possibly referring to a moment from many years ago. This makes sense to me particularly in the case of regular people who need jobs to support themselves and their families. But when it comes to higher profile people, I don't understand the point. I believe the best way to put it came from Van Lathan on the Higher Learning podcast, who made this point about Joe Rogan - is he the best we can do? (Actually, I think Van said - white people, is he the best you can do?)

I think the idea in my mind is that if someone is in a position undefined in terms of a specific function, or if the position is referred to in relative terms, then a cancellation to me just seems like a logical way to find the next person. Suppose you have two candidates for a job and they are equal in every way, except one - candidate A said this thing one time in band camp that might get him cancelled. You'd go with candidate B, right? If Joe Rogan is the best thing about podcasts, then I'm curious what is second-best, and what it would take (if this current moment isn't it) to give that second-best a run as top billing.

I can't find my Marie Kondo book

I thought I would write a post about "the best place to store something is to put it where you look for it" but then I wrote that sentence instead, so I'm done.

Industry best practice

It must have been from a Paul Graham essay (I think it's in Hackers and Painters) that when someone says "industry best practice", you should dig further until you know if it means best or just average. But honestly, if he wrote it, then you should just read it from him

And to finish, a new thought! OK, a rewind...

There is no point (or upside) to comment on situations like the one brewing in and around Ukraine. However, in these moments I do try to keep in mind a thought I first read in an Animorphs book way back in the day, which I wrote about eighteen months ago.