Sunday, January 2, 2022

toa rewind - sometimes i run and think, and sometimes i just run

Happy New Year reader! I thought I would usher in 2022 with a glance at the past year, perhaps by highlighting a few of the highest-rated or most commonly viewed posts. I may indeed complete this project in January - it's easier than actually writing, a task for which in this offseason I still have no interest. However, for now we'll just take a short detour into the familiar "TOA rewind" concept, highlighting this longer post from June 2020, which is about... about what? I guess like much of TOA, it's about a lot of nothing, or possibly a lot about nothing, either of which makes it an appropriate starting point for another year.

We should be back with a few more posts over the next month or two, including the usual lists of awards, top books, and so on, all of these being on the lighter side in accordance with the current offseason break. Sorry to disappoint, but for those incapable of reading between the lines I'll just spell it out - I'm burnt out. (Quite frankly, longtime readers probably are, too.) I'm guessing sometime in February or possibly March for a return to the more traditional pace. Thanks for reading, and see you in 2022!