Wednesday, July 14, 2021

ACTION NEEDED | confirm email subscription (repeat #3 of june 28 post)

Hello! If you've dealt with the whole process of confirming the email subscription, then no need to respond to this post - everything below the line is a repeat of past messaging.

As a reward for clicking on this today, let's look back three years to this post, which may leave you questioning your decision to subscribe to this nonsense in the first place.


PLEASE NOTE - the following applies to the original email subscription service, which TOA used until June 2021. At some point in the near future, it's going to cease functioning.

If you are receiving emails from the subscription service that we started using in July 2021, then no need to take any action - you are already living in the future! 


Hi reader,

I have good news and bad news (it's the same news) - starting sometime this month, the original automatic email feature will no longer be supported by TOA's RSS management service. I've been experimenting a little since I learned about this, and I think I have a decent solution for loyal readers.

If you want to continue seeing email notifications for new posts, do one of the following:

  • If you are reading this post over email...
    • Reply to the email and confirm you'd like to continue receiving emails via subscription
  • If you are reading this post on the website...
    • Send an email to "" and confirm you'd like to sign up for an email subscription (it's FREE, folks)
  • If your idea of a funny joke is to sign someone else up for TOA...
    • Send their email address to "" (makes for a great gift!)
  • If TOA is an unwanted pestilence in your otherwise idyllic life...
    • Do nothing - you'll stop getting these emails in a few days, and you can go back to enjoying your empty existence

In case you are wondering, there is no need to formally unsubscribe from the current email subscription.

My apologies for the sudden reader admin! Hopefully, it's a smooth transition for all interested readers.

Thanks for reading (and responding)!