Tuesday, April 13, 2021


I logged in a minute late and fell through the open icebreaker - what superpower would you like to have? One colleague mentioned invisibility, another suggested flying, though of course teleportation would be easier. Someone shared that seeing through walls was her preference. But would that mean you could see through everything? Chuckles all around, then the meeting began.

I never did share my response with the group, which I suppose was for the best. There is a problem with having a superpower - obligation. We put Superman on a pedestal without ever really discussing how difficult his life must be - with his gifts, ignoring the world's problems is never an option. I could not imagine my inbox if I were, say, capable of mind reading. Hey, could you schedule a meeting with Bobby and find out what he's thinking? By EOD? The thought alone would keep me up at night.

There is a flaw about my dread. I am already bombarded throughout the day with requests to share my modest skills with the team - a revised chart, a refreshed dataset, an insightful analysis. A new skill might change the nature of the requests, but as things stand I am in some ways already a superpower, possessing certain abilities that others can only wish to obtain for themselves. This is not a bragging session. I ask the same of others around me, in reverential awe of their strengths, signing my name meekly at the bottom of each email with the hope that I, too, can temporarily benefit from their superpowers.

But this is not the nature of the question. All things considered, I suppose the best option would be something that I could keep all to myself. I decided one restless night that the best choice would be to have full control over falling asleep. Imagine being able to think "time for sleep", then going down cold for eight perfect hours? No more tossing and turning, no more thinking about tomorrow's inbox, no more 3AM reading sessions, just a few hours of rest so that I could awake in the morning, energized and refreshed, ready to share my gifts again with the world.