Saturday, December 19, 2020

stopping new year's resolutions

The average person can get a recommendation about anything, from anyone, anywhere, at any time, for any reason. Do this! Eat that! Read thisBut I'm realizing as I get older that such recommendations are often just another example of talk being cheap. I'm curious if the quality of advice in my life would improve if I limited recommendations to negative comments - don't do this! Don't eat that! Don't read this! People don't seem to know what they like, but they definitely know what they hate; it doesn't guarantee good advice, but it improves the odds.

So, what's my great advice for today? Well, in the past I've said - don't make New Year's Resolutions - but that won't work, will it? So let's try it a little differently - make a list of things to stop doing. We don't really know what will work, but we know what's wrong.