Wednesday, December 23, 2020

leftovers #2 - moneyball joe flacco (rule changes)

The pass interference penalty in helmet football is one of the saddest facts about the sport, and that's saying something if you know anything about the game. This is allegedly a macho-man sport, defined by the physicality, determination, and toughness of its players, and for the most part these qualities are on display throughout the contest. But if the football is in the air... don't you dare touch anyone... or the wide receiver will throw a temper tantrum on the field (and in the digital age, follow up on social media as well). 

Why not revise the rule so that the passing game is governed by the same rules that apply to linemen? Pushing, shoving, anything except holding - and don't forget this would go both ways, meaning it wouldn't strictly benefit defenders. I'm not here to guarantee it would improve the sport, but I'd like to see it given a trial at some point - there's no need for helmet football to reserve a specific portion of its rulebook to sanction physicality that is common to the basketball court, soccer field, or local tourist trap.