Saturday, June 20, 2020

toa preview - i'll get corona

Hi reader,

Tomorrow's post was inspired by this quote attributed to Warren Buffet - tell me where I'll die, and I'll never go there. I've tried to apply it to the pandemic, but the end result was more like a smirk at all the COVID-19 infection risks I've identified over the past three months. Maybe the more applicable quote is from Marcus Aurelius - death smiles at us all; all a man can do is smile back.

Anyway, I know a popular Sunday activity is to skim longreads (more smirking), so let's consider the below my user guide for a time-constrained Sunday reader.

If you have one minute... 'from jaywalk chicken', 'from Corona Island', and 'from a chinstrap'.

If you have two minutes... 'from generosity' down to the end.

If you want to argue... the intro.

If you want to roll your eyes... the rest.