Tuesday, June 9, 2020

proper coronoa admin, vol lix - toa enters phase 2

Hi reader,

Back in May, when I first heard the word reopening, I must have rolled my eyes and brewed my tea. The dull drudgery of those dark days sent all positive thinking straight to my spam folder. And although my inbox continued to fill up with one depressing item after another, we somehow kept on track, and yesterday Taxachusetts made it to Day 1, Phase 2.

I'm willing to do my part, and not just out of civic duty. I'm ready for it, ready for reopening! But Governor Baker forgot to list TOA on his plan, so we're on our own. Face coverings on, please, and maybe stand six feet away from the screen while reading, but otherwise I don't anticipate major changes. The new normal will look a lot like the old normal - three hundred words a day on average, with word counts zeroed out for all short posts and 'buy one get one' on Sunday. Proper Corona Admin will return its borrowed stage to Proper Admin (though the former promises to visit often). I will resume making sly references to Arrested Development, but Tales of Two Cities is likely done - there is only so much to say about biking, and looking at what I last wrote, maybe I should have called my most recent post 'The Last Dance'.

The big news of 'reopening' is reading reviews. Just moments ago, I finished my first reading review in months, and I was surprised by how normal it felt to put together my thoughts about a book. I suspect I produced a slightly improved product than in the past, perhaps because I loosely followed the 4-1-1 style I described a couple of weeks ago, or maybe the time off did me some good. I think the future will be these shorter reviews alongside a link to my messier notes (like in yesterday's post) though longer reviews will still come around, and some of the reviews I finished months ago using the old style will likely remain unedited. We'll see the first of these new-style reviews tomorrow, and hopefully ramp up the pace as reopening picks up steam.

As always, thanks for reading. Stay safe, stay well, get in touch.

In the next month... of True On Average...

1) Jaylen Brown, we should all be too smart for our own good.

2) Odds are, something about running.

3) Your future is my past.