Tuesday, June 23, 2020

proper corona admin, vol 65 - the book stand

I consider myself open-minded, but I think I'm old enough to start calcifying in certain worldviews. Here's my first stand - for as long as we can do only one thing at a time, books will always be the superior reading medium.

I'm comfortable planting my flag on Book Hill. Nothing is certain, but the perfection of the book will remain intact. What most people forget about 'rapid change' is that it generally means an idea being honed to perfection. Books completed their refinement process centuries ago.

A successful challenger will need to beat the book's biggest strength, the ability to demand and enable focus. We'll see. The current crop seems intent on beating the book's physical limits, using the digital form to improve or expand access, storage, and transmission. All great ideas, but until people can process two or more books simultaneously, these will only be niche concerns.