Wednesday, June 10, 2020

proper corona admin, vol 60 - breaking top 100 news

I sometimes get bored and Google 'true on average'. I only check the top 100, it's been pure iktsuarpok for four years, just me and the horizon every other month, scanning for nothing... nothing... nothing...


TOA is now on page eight of the search results! Yes reader, as of this moment (June 6, 2020), TOA is one slot behind an average calculator (impressive) and one slot ahead of a research paper that uses both 'propensity' and 'parametric' twice in the opening sentence. I'd link them here, but I'd hate to sink my own ship.

Now that I'm basically off The Dark Web, my new TOA goal is to be cancelled. Why not? At least I'll have been relevant, even for one post.

My Sisyphus impression resumes tomorrow, with my first reading review since COVID-19.