Friday, June 26, 2020

pop corona admin, vol lxvi - everything becomes wrong

Another round of pop culture complaints? It's the last HAPPY FRIDAY of the month, so sure, why not?

Cho Chang was trending... again

My original plan was to make this the topic of my traditional Harry Potter portion of 'Pop Corona Admin' but as I wrote I realized I should do a full post. Something to look forward to in July, reader.

I thought I would set the stage here and find a good tweet (Tweet?) along the lines of 'white characters get names like Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore while (the only) East Asian character gets Cho Chang' but the search process cost me thirty minutes on Google that I'll never get back. Oh well, have a look yourself if you get bored today.

Jim Halpert sucks

While I'm here tearing down old favorites, I had fun reading some articles explaining why Jim from The Office is a five-tool butthead. I used to enjoy watching the early episodes but I stopped tuning in for no real reason around Season 3. This is pure speculation, but in hindsight maybe I realized I had no interest in a show that made a hero out of Jim.

Forrest Gump - do not try this at home, or outside of home

The pandemic is forcing us all to reconsider everything. Let's not forget to add Forrest Gump to the list. The idea that people would sit next to Forrest at semi-random on a bench and he would tell them his life story without repeating any part of it was always a dubious construct. But these days, the very idea of talking to a stranger for more than a couple minutes turns my stomach.