Wednesday, June 17, 2020

leftovers - proper corona admin, vol lxii - toa enters phase 2.5

The plan for today was to list the seventeen books on my 'reopening' library request list. But it takes a long time to list seventeen books, so despite having all the time in the world... maybe next week.

I mentioned Hannah Arendt's Thinking Without A Bannister yesterday. It's my last borrowed item, but it's so dense I feel no danger of hitting Zero Books. In fact, when I finish in July I should just reread it right away. If books are brain food, then this is a bowl of freshly steamed broccoli, and worth a second helping.

But reading isn't all about building brains. Lighter reading relaxes the mind for its toughest work. And of course, like with any diet variety is more important than eating just broccoli. Poetry, short fiction, memoirs, it's all coming back soon, but I'm looking forward to the sum more than any individual part.