Thursday, May 7, 2020

proper corona admin, vol 36

One last politically correct thought... for now.

Partisan, part san, where I come from

So help me here, if there are two sides and they more or less divide up their policy preferences into parties, aren't we guaranteed to have mediocrity? It's not possible for one side to have all the right answers on all the issues, so the best we'll ever do is a few good ideas at a time, destined to be swept aside when the political see-saw crashes the other way and the opposing party gets to laugh at a sore tailbone. I guess it's not all bad, this process maximizes entertainment value and TV ratings, and only for the small cost of ensuring anything that would benefit from steady, incremental progress rots in a state of semi-initiation after a one-off initial investment.

That's not, politically, correct, just like Tuesday's post

You know what, to the theme of simple statements, I'm going to think of a way to simplify what I wrote Tuesday, instead of that wishy-washy nonsense about crossing lines. Of course, in the spirit of the 'just right' Goldilocks approach, we should do a 'too short' version to balance Tuesday's 'too long'.

Here goes:

"If we don't speak plainly about important problems, we'll waste time complicating lesser problems."