Friday, May 22, 2020

pop corona admin, vol 49

It's Friday, time to lighten up y'all! More notes and observations from my return to pop culture.

Harry Potter (just one, I promise)

I understand the wizards probably can't solve all Muggle problems, but surely they could help with hunger? We know it's possible, Hagrid uses an engorgement charm on his pumpkins, so why couldn't Hogwarts students blow up hot dogs in detention rather than wander the Forbidden Forest, cut themselves, or answer fan mail?

Build me up, buttercup

The Foundations released 'Build Me Up, Buttercup' in 1968, so maybe life was different a pandemic ago. But I'm confused by the verse that starts "I'll be over at ten...". OK, so Buttercup is coming over, but is late, and you can't take anymore so you go to the door and... "it's not you". So who is it? Someone else is obviously there, but who else is coming over at ten?

If I invited Buttercup over at ten and someone else was just standing outside the door, I'm not singing the chorus, I'm calling the police. Either that, or I just figured out why Buttercup isn't coming over, and ruined the song for myself.

Star Wars Episode I

This movie is a known problem without my input, but I just can't get over the lightsaber duel. How does Darth Maul lose? I've studied it for an hour and it makes no sense. He handles the two Jedi together, then gets them into a situation where they go one at a time, where he surely has an overwhelming advantage. And we know it's not a fluke, as he alone possesses the skill to handle a double-edged lightsaber - the other Jedi don't even use two regular ones at the same time! What happened in the new trilogy, did rock lose to scissors?