Wednesday, April 15, 2020

proper corona admin, vol 18

The way these little 'corona diary' posts work is that I go through my regular life, the mundane daily routine of it, until something corona-related captures my attention. At that point, I try to write it down so that later on I can turn it into a post. Easy process.

But of course, it rarely goes so smoothly. The most common obstacle is being unable to write the idea down. This happens more than you might think. For example (cliche alert) I often have good ideas in the shower. One time years ago, I realized that I could start flossing in the shower, making good use of the time I often stand there doing nothing. But starting to floss in the shower is hard, I bet it's almost as hard as quitting smoking, and I haven't started yet. Flossing, I mean, in the shower.

Anyway, the other day I realized in the shower that one of Mitch Hedburg's old jokes was a great fit for the current PANDEMIC. Problem was, by the time my hair had dried, I had forgotten the joke. I spent the day trying to remember, but no luck. I finally decided to just watch his old videos until I came across the joke.

Bizarrely, I remembered the joke I needed, but it wasn't when I heard Mitch say it, I remembered while he told a different joke. He said "I'm against picketing, but I don't know how to show it" and I remembered my joke from the shower. But now I had a new problem on my hands - I didn't know how my joke related to the pandemic because I had forgotten to write that down. I flossed my teeth and thought some more, but after a minute I gave up.

Next time when I can't remember, I'll just convince myself it wasn't any good, and therefore not worth writing down.