Wednesday, April 8, 2020

proper corona admin, vol 13

I had an idea for a TV show - bring back The Office, with everyone 'working from home'. Don't even explain why, just have Michael Scott on NBC tomorrow night at 8PM. Can't miss, right? Plus, this would be the cheapest show to produce of all time. Jim is already in the mood (and he needs to score some points, he's been on my shit list since that Super Bowl commercial).

Fake news, Boston edition

Mayor Marty announced some new recommendations on Sunday, two of which I thought were especially important - curfews and face coverings. TOA readers, please follow both recommendations, call me if you need help. But, again, recommendations, that's the key word. It's been fascinating over the past couple of days to see the local reaction to these recommendations.

First, the curfew is a recommendation, but you wouldn't know it from certain local media outlets, you'd think the mayor had declared 'arrest on sight' effective at 9PM. People have been getting in touch, asking about the curfew. I was confused at first - the recommendation, you mean? It took me about ten minutes browsing various websites to figure out where people were getting this 'news'. Now, I don't think anyone is outside during those hours anyway - where would they go, what would they do - but I'm not impressed by the media gleefully exaggerating to the point of misinforming.

It gets worse when you consider the options. There were two recommendations on Sunday and a media outlet interested in exaggerating for possible public benefit should have chosen face coverings (Mayor announces mandatory face coverings, effective Monday). The thousands of regular, terrified people out during the day spread this virus, not Guy Montag wandering around alone at 11PM. If you want to lie, tell people to cover up, not that they need to be home by 9.

But the only relevant concern is, what happened? I can't speak for the curfew, the latest I've been out since The Great Corona Lockdown began was 830PM the other night to get takeout (and I haven't even come close to waking up before 6AM). However, I can report that on my morning walk yesterday, I estimate around 80-85% of people were not covering their faces. Way to go, Boston, you all have great teeth, mine are turning a shade of gross thanks to my liquid diet of coffee and red wine, but you'll never know it. Maybe we'd do a better job of following best practices if this virus had conveniently rolled around on Halloween, or if the news had treated us to a better trick.