Wednesday, March 25, 2020

proper corona admin - vol 5

One of these days I'll get around to writing about my new CORONA routine but despite the presumed monotony of being at home for almost all hours of the day I've yet to have the pleasure of boredom. Today really took the cake, I spoke to around three hundred people via a video conference (on my flip phone!) before several manhole explosions on my block left me wondering if the world was indeed coming to an end.

My guess is that I will eventually settle into some kind of Dullsville and run out of ideas for this update. One of the first items on my writing list for such a moment is a look at my new routine. Longtime readers will know that, in general, I think a routine is a great idea, but in these challenging times I've seen the same sentiment expressed in droves up and down the information superhighway.

One angle to routines that I have not seen discussed in much detail is the opportunity presented by disruption to discard the unwanted. Most folks in these parts are being told to stay in, stay away, and stay patient, perhaps using the time to try something new. In fact, this is the most common form of advice I've seen - tackle those projects, start that hobby, take advantage now and wrap up all that stuff you've been putting off.

But don't overlook the other form of opportunity presented by disruption. There is a reason you haven't done any of those things on your list yet. I suggest looking instead at those things that, out of force of habit or lifestyle, you've left in your life for far longer than necessary. I think this is the moment to take stock, think about what to throw away, and consider how to take advantage of the current situation so that you can make changes that last when we finally return to normalcy.