Monday, March 23, 2020

proper corona admin - vol 4

So, we missed yesterday. Any new thoughts?

Better six feet apart than six feet under.

Oh dear.

Look, I was tired, I went for a five mile run but I probably traveled twenty miles zipping around folks, people just seem to like being glued together.

You went out?

I'm a walking PSA, I didn't come within six feet of anyone unless they managed to sneak up on me. If you go running at a time like this, you need to slow down a little, and do a bit more footwork. It's like returning a punt, or dancing.

It's hard to tell if you've lost your mind yet.

I'm still doing regular things, like coming up with fake Onion headlines.

Here's one - townspeople flock to the streets to celebrate end of quarantine, return inside after ten minutes

That looks a little too meaty to be just a headline.

I'm actually a bit concerned for those folks, their fake headlines lost a little value since Trump got going, and now with this corona business I don't think anyone is in the mood.

OK, any other media highlights?

I thought it was interesting to read this article after hearing this podcast - if you combine the article with a couple of the predictions made in the EconTalk episode, the future is going to be all about the far left, unless of course it's all about the far right.

I do think it's interesting that the policies being enacted now have elements of both ends of the political spectrum, sometimes with a blurred relationship between supporters and ideology. The Trump administration, for example, is pushing for policies closely resembling Universal Basic Income, while the lack of any major outcry against the strict border control measures from the states and municipalities associated with dark blue support was unimaginable just a month ago. The only certainty regarding politics is that everyone disagrees with me.

I hope we reach a point soon where analyzing some of this will feel appropriate, but at the moment I think I should just note it and move on.

Last words for today?

I heard at the end of last week that a friend's father passed away. It wasn't directly related to you-know-what but the situation created complications with visitation and remains an obstacle for memorial services. I took in the news and got back to work.

A few minutes later, this song came on and I burst into tears. I can only remember this happening one other time - the tears were a mystery then, but I understood this time.

Everyone hang in there, and talk to each other.