Saturday, March 21, 2020

proper corona admin - vol 3

Updates after week one...

Yams for days

One of the great features about HMart in Central Square is how they describe sweet potatoes - the standard orange variety is labeled 'American yam' while what everyone else calls 'Japanese yams' is labeled 'sweet potato'. Good to see someone get it right, for once.

It's been days since I set foot in Asia's public embassy (and perhaps will be weeks before I do so again). As I noted yesterday, we on Beacon Hill are doing just fine, and then some, and when it comes to root vegetable doomsday we are at least one (and perhaps two) additional pandemics away. Not so good on butter, tofu, or (hilariously) ice cream, so if these are your necessities, get out to the grocery early.


I've started to settle into a decent routine as we approach the end of the workweek, with my three "R's" of reading, writing, and running making room for remote work. More details next week during a slower round of corona admin...

For now, I'm talking to a volleyball like anyone else, and enjoying the odd podcast about old movies.

Book recommendations

One criticism of Mayor Marty, doesn't he know I need like two weeks notice before closing off the libraries? Luckily, I checked out a couple of huge books (and I'm not exactly reading all that much, anyway) so I should be good to go for a few weeks.

For those needing an idea, here's my favorite book list, something I last updated at the end of 2018. It needs revision - it seems to include books up to the end of 2016 - but it will do for a pandemic. Plus, you can always dig through my archives for thoughts on more recent reading.

Programming note

These little corona updates are fun, but life must go on. So, tomorrow will see a return to regular TOA programming, and as agreed at the start of the year I'll keep 'regular programming' limited to ~300 words per week.

What is regular programming?

Basically, anything not called 'proper corona admin'.

Is 'proper corona admin' regular programming?

Oh goodness me, I hope not.

So is there a word limit on these?

We're out of time today!

Hang in there everyone, stay safe, and thanks for reading.