Thursday, March 19, 2020

proper corona admin - vol 1

Now that I'm in basic isolation for the foreseeable future, I thought I would wrap up each night with thoughts from the pandemic.

The format will be familiar to longtime readers...

News from the front

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker have been front and center over the past week or so, sharing near daily updates about the outbreak. One thing I've realized is that they make kind of an interesting match - Mayor Marty does a great job at telling us what to do while the Gov excels at telling us what not to do.

I'm sure there's an interesting political analysis here - something about a Republican governor moving cautiously in a dark blue state (draconian!), or about the Bostonian creating unity and driving collective action. I'm not doing that analysis, so gentlemen: reverse those roles at your own risk, and keep up the good work.

News from HQ

Now, my favorite guy in DC, whole different story, but gives me a chance to bring out the Business Bro in me - as Amazon notes in their core principles, disagree and commit. As in, disagree with Trump all you like, and commit to the collective goal the President has set for the country, which I'm sure he posted to Twitter.

Shouldn't you do more than 'disagree' about the Chinese Virus?

No. An angry reaction is his goal, not mine.

Ah, Business Bro, and his beloved goals...

My goal is to stay informed so I can do my part to beat the virus. His goal, at least as it pertains to the Chinese Virus, seems to include distracting people from his incompetent decisions.

Incompetent decisions? You mean he left the White House?

Well, whatever, enough for day one, maybe tomorrow.

Look folks, it's not good to stockpile, but I will admit that I've been buying two bottles of $10 wine per day. It's a good way to get out, support local business, blah blah blah, God is on my side, and you know what just sing along with me.

Stay safe in there, and see you all tomorrow.