Saturday, March 14, 2020

leftovers - drumroll please (proper admin update)

Thursday’s post about music grew out of my first draft for March’s proper admin. This happens quite a bit – I envision proper admin as “everything that doesn’t work as its own post” but sometimes the very process of jotting down the abbreviated thought is the catalyst for the seed to blossom into a full thought. I believe I’ve called out such moments in the past, but since I think there is a real lesson there I wanted to make sure I made note of it again.

In terms of proper admin itself, I think it’s time for an evolution. Here in the post-daily TOA era, the trend is toward grouping posts so that I can maintain a thread across multiple days, and one vital tactic is eliminating as much of the scheduled programming as possible. This fate already befell ‘Tales of Two Cities’ so at least ‘Proper Admin’ is in good company.

As it is with all forms of admin, the volume probably won’t change despite a new format, but I think the workload will be easier for me to handle in a larger batch. For starters, I’ll replace the monthly schedule with a bimonthly or even quarterly rhythm, and we’ll keep a close eye on progress to ensure we stay on track.

First of these is coming tomorrow – until then, thanks for reading.