Tuesday, January 21, 2020

leftovers – replica krakatoa

This post had several different possibilities. It could have been rewritten as a list of events – the radiator broke, it became too hot, I couldn’t sleep properly. There was potential for some sleep science as well – most bodies require a slight drop in temperature in order to fall asleep, an impossible task in my kiln of a unit. A final approach would have been to explore the question of which temperature extreme is preferable – I always prefer cold because I can battle back with extra clothing and blankets whereas the heat always leaves me a sweaty, irritated, and sleepless mess.

I wrote about dreams for two reasons. First, the dreams I have during fitful nights of sleep are always far more interesting than those I have at the end of a sound snooze. I suppose it has something to do with being woken up many times during the night. I usually don't dream like I did unless I'm sick. The second reason is that I wrote a few weeks ago about dreaming, the post essentially complaining that I didn’t have any dreams. Odd thing, almost as soon as that post went up I started dreaming again and I've been paying close attention.

The radiator was eventually repaired after I hinted to my landlord that I would involve the city. This is not a bad strategy when the landlord is of the sluggish variety. The requirements are a minimum heating of 64 degrees at night and a maximum of 78 at any time and I simply stated those facts in my note. Still, it took over a week to repair the unit and I learned an important lesson in the process - can I trust the landlord with a real problem? The answer is no, and that's important. The rental market in Boston means decisions made in December don't define move out but I’m certain to take a long look at my options in a few months.