Tuesday, November 12, 2019

proper admin - november 2019

Hi folks,

Welcome to proper admin, the monthly rubblebucket of anything and everything I couldn’t be bothered to form into a coherent post.

TOA notes

Certain longtime readers amusingly welcomed my recent posts about The Goal, a book I completed about a year and a half ago. As I noted recently I am changing the way I write these reviews and the in-depth analysis is likely a thing of the past. However, if the writing is done I feel no need to throw it aside. Look for posts about The Goal to trickle onto TOA... every week or two... into next spring!

I added a new tag to certain posts recently – ‘musically inclined’. This just means some aspect of the post was inspired by listening to music.

And finally, for those wondering – the TOA book award is done. Look for the finals in December.

Music update

I went to an Of Monsters and Men concert back in September and left with a renewed commitment to finding their best live work. This 2012 performance of ‘Little Talks’ may have, finally, brought me around on their biggest hit. I didn’t think the newest album did justice to the band’s strengths but acoustic renditions from various appearances while on tour have made me feel better – highlights include this ten-minute set recorded in Boston.

I have a couple of more thoughts on music but in the interest of time I’ll follow up with those sometime in the next two weeks.

Book notes

I believe I recently expressed my surprise that I liked The Golden Spruce despite its particular genre not being among my usual favorites. Reflecting more on the question, I realized that this might have to do with it not being a first-person account. For some reason, books recounting The Gripping Adventure told through the author's eyes has never quite moved me in the way many seem to expect.

I also noted recently (I think) that I read The TB12 Method. The short answer I have for this book is that although it was filled with valuable information, a lot of what Brady describes most likely doesn't apply to those who already understand the time commitment of being active. I don't mean this in the commonly heard “he’s a pro athlete, so I can't do any of that stuff” argument (to me, this form of complaint always sounds more like an excuse than an analysis). I mean it more in the sense of "if you can't afford the tip, you can't afford the meal". Many of Brady's ideas just won't matter to people who already invest time into maintenance. I'm sure my 'analysis' won't impress those who are interested only in doing activities without putting additional time into the strengthening, stretching, and recovery aspects that support ongoing pursuit of said activity. I sincerely apologize if any of my fellow weekend warriors are offended by my calling them out but honestly, you wouldn't need a $30 book like this that tells you to eat fruit if you were already making the common sense investments in physical maintenance that anyone's mother could tell you about.

On the next... True On Average:

1. A large pizza for maybe!

2. Surely, we reach a limit in school?

3. We ask the Business Bro if he has anything better to do...