Monday, November 11, 2019

antenna football

One of the highlights from summer was getting access to Telemundo after rescanning my HD antenna. This is the first time I’ve had Telemundo in my five years with the antenna. Telemundo gives me access to the English soccer game of the week on Sunday mornings. This added around five to ten Liverpool games to my viewing schedule for the season.

No exaggeration, Telemundo was one of the five best things to happen to me in 2019.

I’m not sure why I never had Telemundo in the past. I assume it was some kind of fluke. The way these things work has to do with signals and the signals have to do with things like rain, wind, and clouds. It’s possible the day I scanned the antenna was just a really nice day, so nice that the Telemundo signal finally arrived on my television.

Weather is related to the only other use I have for my TV. Most mornings, I turn on the local news to check the current conditions. I’ve always used 7 NEWS because their main studio is down the street. If 7 NEWS says it’s fifty degrees, it's fifty degrees. Can't say the same about WBZ-4, their thermometer comes with an error range that would make an exit poll blush. Anyway, I cannot overstate the value of 7 NEWS. Outside of hanging a thermometer on my window (ha) there really isn’t a better way to get a sense of the outside unless I go outside. It’s important for me because my schedule is pretty tight in the morning (and especially if I’m running - the difference of a few degrees can make the difference between a good and a bad workout).

Unfortunately, in mid-October I lost access to 7 NEWS because the antenna signals realigned (or something like that, I don’t know). This left me with two options:

1) Rescan the antenna to get 7 NEWS (but risk losing Telemundo)
2) Leave it as is (and get my weather from the other crap stations)

Reader, your level of uncertainty about my decision reveals your understanding of soccer. Text me what 7 NEWS says some morning, it will be appreciated...