Monday, September 2, 2019

proper admin - september 2019

Welcome to Proper Admin… let’s get to it!

Workday routines...

I’m a month or so into my new job and I’m starting to get a good sense of how it will permanently affect my weekday routines. Let’s have a quick glance at the changes:


I used to skip breakfast for a variety of reasons but August saw a renewed effort to eat in the morning. After some experimentation, I’ve settled on a cup of yogurt with some honey. I’ll also drink a glass or two of water at some point after waking up.


I leave for work at around 8 AM which is fifteen minutes earlier than in the past. The trip itself combines a twenty minute walk to Arlington Station and a twenty minute Green Line trip to Brookline Village. The forty total minutes is about the same as it used to take me to walk to my old job.

I like this commute a little better – the walk is just long enough while leaving me plenty of time to read a few pages of whatever book I'm obnoxiously displaying to my fellow passengers.

Late Morning

I usually drink tea when I get in, and then have some water. I’ll eventually snack on two bananas and an apple. When I start to feel a little sluggish, I'll being drinking my coffee. This is a big change from my past routine where I would drink coffee much earlier in the day, eat oatmeal with peanut butter, and not consider fruit or tea at all until the afternoon.


I generally go for a half-hour walk sometime in the early afternoon. This is a little different from my former routine when I would look for new jobs during my lunch break.


Again, as noted above the lack of a job search has left me with much more free time. I’ll stop by the library if I need to do something time consuming on the computer but otherwise I’m focused on trivial things like keeping a regular bedtime.

Not a travel note

I mentioned yesterday that I didn't find much early morning time in August for writing. This I blamed in part on my schedule shifting about an hour later than usual.

One bizarre but possibly accurate observation about this portion of my summer was how much my 'symptoms' resembled those of jet lag. It was like no matter when I woke up, I would still need a couple more hours of sleep. Fighting my way back to my desired sleep cycle was a full-time effort that included being cautious on certain weeknights, finding ways to wake up early whenever possible, and being diligent about eating breakfast.

Blog notes

A couple of quick TOA thoughts for today. First, just as a quick warning – I went back into my drafts folder and put together some finishing touches on some leftovers from old posts (as in, at least two years old). And good news - there are more old first drafts that I want to get finished up for TOA sooner rather than later. Look for the first of these starting next week!

Second - at the time of writing, I have exactly zero posts ready to go.


Yup, zero.

So... what happens if there is a power outage?

The Doomsday Clock ticks toward midnight!

Is that it?

Pretty much – it’s been a slow month. I think a job change is a good opportunity to adjust a routine but for me my experience in August was mostly consolidating existing habits while I worked through the various demands on my time. The stability is there and that should make for a closer to normal September.

Until then, many thanks to my readers.

Next month... in True On Average...

1) Wait, leftovers from Ittoku?

2) Did we really need to dust off those old posts?

3) It's Fergie Time!