Thursday, May 2, 2019

proper admin - may 2019

Welcome to proper admin, my monthly rubble bucket of anything and everything that isn’t going to make it into its own post.


Well, no, not this month, but I did see Muse play for the second time in my life. A great aftereffect of concerts is gaining a better appreciation for certain songs I didn't consider personal favorites prior to the show. This time, ‘Uprising’ and ‘New Born’ were the big winners. I’ll save the remaining details for a leftovers post.

One personal coincidence note – the last time I saw Muse, I lost my job around three days later. History in this case did not repeat itself.

That's good, right?

No comment.

Podcast update

I mentioned in March that I was looking for a new current events podcast – spoiler alert, Middle Theory won. More details to come at some point.

Food news (FREE stuff)

The MGH Blood Donor center should get an award for its annual February giveaway – a cupcake and a long sleeve t-shirt for anyone who donates on a Thursday. I enjoy these freebies so much that it would be idiotic if I ever donated blood in January because this would disqualify me from donating in February (an eight week wait is required between donations).

I’m not sure which free item was better. On one hand, the cupcake was huge and delicious and well timed given my lack of blood. On the other hand, I wear the shirt almost once a week. Let’s call it a… blood draw?



Let’s move on.


Book preview

I’m reading John O’Donohue’s To Bless The Space Between Us, a book of blessings I believe he put together just before his tragic death a decade ago. As I read, I’m remembering how much I liked his work and considering whether I should someday reread all of his books.

TOA News and Notes

It might be semi-evident at this point but I’m trying to reserve Sundays for my longest posts – it just seems like a better fit with what I perceive as the average reader’s schedule. On the other days, I’m trying to keep it fewer than five hundred words or so with the occasional midweek post going a couple hundred words higher.

Anything else?

Final note on Muse – no defined encore. I’m used to fans having to wait a minute or two for a band to reappear on the stage, claim the instruments they left behind, and finish the show. In Muse’s case, I think the ‘encore break’ took about fifteen seconds.

Encores are ridiculous. Imagine the equivalent in any other context – the performance ends, but you stick around, half-heartedly shouting and clapping, until the performer comes back and finishes the show. Like… huh?

Thanks for reading.




Are you coming back?


Are we supposed to shout for more?


No encore?


What if I clap?


That last bit, it sounds like a not-so-clever hint that you’ll do an encore today.

Why would I do an encore? I just said they were dumb.

Well, you’re still here.


And you always do a ‘next month in TOA’ at the end…

What is your point?

Well, you haven’t done that yet.

OK, fine… ENCORE!!!

Next month... on True On Average...

1. Maybe pillows were different a thousand years ago...

2. Only a fortune cookie could be so... racist?

3. Is 'Proper Admin' a quota method?

Thanks for reading – see you in May!