Tuesday, April 2, 2019

proper admin - april 2019

Hi folks,

Welcome to Proper Admin, my monthly rubble bucket of anything and everything that didn’t quite qualify for its own post.

Qualify? So now things ‘qualify’ to become posts? It seems like anything qualifies around here –


Well, anytime you leave the apartment, you seem to think it merits a post.

Right, because I only leave the apartment if it’s worth the trouble. This month, I left to go to the Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. I’ll have more to say on this sometime in the next couple of months. For now, I’ll note that for some reason I never knew where the Hynes Convention Center was despite having lived here in Boston for almost a decade.

I guess we learn something new every day.

That’s all you learned?

Well, more to come like I said, but I’ll add that my favorite line from the event was Daryl Morey saying – I kind of reject all studies out of hand. That isn’t my worldview, per say, but it’s definitely a closer representation to how I feel than the opposite idea – I accept all studies as true. In general, I think I learn more from people who’ve made decisions that have actual consequences rather than from people who’ve thought or studied decisions without the pressure that comes with being in the real world.

Anything else?

Let’s do a quick admin recap to wrap up.

Book preview

I’m reading Speeches That Changed the World, a collection of... er, speeches, um... that changed the world? I’m surprised by how little I’m enjoying it. I suppose speeches are best heard in the moment.

What I Eat, a photo and essay collection about eighty diets from around the world, has been far more engrossing.


I’ve enjoyed this clip of Bono and The Edge (the 2 in U2?) performing an acoustic version of ‘Summer of Love’ from June of last year. I still have no idea why I sometimes miss good songs the first time I listen to an album.


I hinted earlier this week that I might get a free helmet – it happened. The helmet is a best-case scenario in terms of appearance – it looks like what a Star Wars stormtrooper might wear if the films were set in a futuristic cycling dystopia, like present-day Cambridge.

Food news

I’m still a little scarred by the banana thing – more details next month, maybe – so today I’ll just mention that I’ve started roasting tomatoes. What a massive success – after I tasted my first batch, I considered awarding myself a Michelin star.

I’m not sure why it took me so long to try roasting the otherwise inedible fruit/vegetable/red thing. I can’t help but question myself because I’ve always had a rule that I try to eat anything healthy in the following progression – raw, steamed, sautéed, and then baked. I put tomatoes through the first three steps but never tried the roasted method until just this past month. I suppose it’s a good reminder that we all need good reminders.

I’ll leave it there for now – back tomorrow with, appropriately enough, another look at my daily reminders.