Wednesday, April 10, 2019

leftovers – you lift from the bottom

Let’s take a look at another set of major problems that might be more important than ending poverty – border security, immigration, and tribalism.

Call me crazy, but I think this immigration problem, this desire others have to come here, to move here, it isn’t going away anytime soon. Let’s first take a moment to acknowledge what an immigration problem really means – it means America remains a place people want to move to. Despite all our flaws, we remain the ideal for the many seeking a new place to call home. And every time we talk about making America great again, all we are doing is marketing ourselves to the rest of the world. It probably sounds something like this – sure, we used to suck yet you still wanted to move here... better get here soon, because we are about to become GREAT!

But if people moving here is really a problem and we want to keep them out, I suppose I should offer up a solution. What do I think is the best plan? A big old wall? Two big walls? Maybe Amazon builds a really long HQ2 along the border? With all the corporate security I deal with getting into work, I bet having an Amazon headquarters would do wonders to slow the flow of immigrants...

I think the best plan is simple - make Mexico great again. Didn’t this happen after World War II when we made Japan great again? And in the next seven decades, guess who didn’t move here? Japanese people. Why not? Because it was worth it to stay in Japan. MAKE MEXICO GREAT AGAIN!