Tuesday, April 23, 2019

leftovers #3 - the 2019 toa podcast awards

Today is the final installment of the 2018 TOA Podcast Awards series. I figured, what could be a better way to end it than to highlight a few memorable episodes from the past year?

One of the great podcast-related moments of 2018 was when I attended a live taping of the Men In Blazers at The Sinclair in Harvard Square – here’s a link to the episode.

I mentioned the end of Dan Carlin’s Common Sense as a low point in 2018 but he has continued to produce fascinating shows for his Hardcore History podcast. I thought the best one was this show, part one of a series about colonial Japan. One downside of a history program is how rarely I feel a connection to the subject matter but in this case the period discussed is one my grandparents lived through – the reader should note that this might bias my opinion about the episode before diving into the four and a half hour program.

A significant feature of EconTalk is the way interesting episodes double as book recommendations (host Russ Roberts will often center an episode around an interview with an author). The final episode of 2018 was the reverse for me as he interviewed an author about a book I’d already read – Sebastian Junger came on to talk about Tribe. I found the book deeply insightful when I’d read it just a few months prior to this episode and I recommend listening to this interview to anyone who has yet to check out the book – you might be convinced to give Tribe a shot after hearing this excellent conversation.

Finally, the year would not be complete without highlighting my own moment of podcast glory from 2018. On this episode of longtime favorite The Football Ramble… well, just block out about three minutes in your day, go to the 20:30 mark of the show, and discover the first ever TOA Easter egg for yourself, loyal reader.

Footnotes / back to the future...

0a. Honorable mentions from 2017...

The first two episodes are from Cousin Sal’s Against All Odds. Although the podcast is technically about sports gambling, the consistent humor of the show is what I find most enjoyable. This show when Sal and guest host Bill Simmons interview their longtime friend Brad was probably the funniest single podcast episode I heard all year. And for those who want more, check out this interview from the end of 2017 when the same pair talked with the late Super Dave Osborne – I had to lie down on my bed for the last fifteen minutes of this episode because I was laughing so hard).

0b. ...and a look into the bright future of 2019!

This one starts at the 22:40 mark.

For the record, I'm three for four lifetime getting emails read out.