Thursday, May 24, 2018

2018 toa book of the year award, may update - part five

Though this month's eliminations are being revealed here in no formal order, I do want to point out that after today there will only be six books remaining on the shortlist.

More to come in the June newsletter...but today, to business.

August - The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz

Some books inspire thinking while others prompt action – over the course of two separate readings, this book did both for me. Though the book is tailored to the aspiring CEO, the lessons within were valuable for me years ago in my own role as a rookie manager and the ideas proved indispensable last summer as I prepared my pitch for upcoming job interviews.

Parting thought: Business books tend to focus only on successful companies – these make for interesting stories but serve no purpose in explaining success.

September - Impro by Keith Johnstone

Johnstone’s 1979 classic hardly requires my recommendation – the target audience is already well aware of this book and its overall quality. One pleasant surprise about Impro was its significant insight into teaching – speaking more generally, this book is valuable in fields very much unrelated to improv theater.

Parting thought: A good story is a routine interrupted.