Tuesday, May 15, 2018

2018 toa book of the year award, may update - part three

Let's cross two more off the shortlist today...

June - The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz

This simple, thoughtful examination of Toltec wisdom has struck a chord with legions of readers and I proved to be no exception. Of the four ‘agreements’, the one about assumptions proved the most valuable idea for me.

Parting thought: Don’t make assumptions.

August - Animal Farm by George Orwell

I enjoyed reading Orwell’s classic for the first time this past summer. Though many rightfully worry about current events and speculate about the worst-case scenarios, a country simply cannot descend into totalitarianism if the citizens remain empowered to create value based on their ideas, initiative, or effort.

Parting thought: Basic necessities must be divided up equally because the question of who 'deserves' more will never resolve itself in any meaningful way.