Wednesday, April 4, 2018

leftovers: i gotta pokemon go...

Like with 'Madness', this was another post that took over a year to complete. The problem with my first draft was a lack of clarity in my main idea. As a result, I could not find a way to conclude the post.

I sat on it for months. One day, I returned to the idea of how I used to write whenever I felt comfortable in a new environment. So, I went back to this draft and removed the parts I thought would work for the new idea. What I was left with was a criticism of smartphones with an unusual take on Pokemon Go. It was like pouring ketchup onto a slice of pizza - the concept was right but details made no sense. The draft remained incomplete.

When the swans returned to the Public Garden last April, I started considering ways to resurrect this draft. I thought about editing it down into a 'Moya rant' on smartphones. I considered expanding it to talk more about my favorite video games. I thought about printing the draft out so I could dramatically rip it up in front of those stupid swans. I shelved it again.

Eventually, I started working on a post about Michael Lewis's Undoing Project. A line from my notes jumped out at me - how we do something reveals more about us than what we do. That line sent this post in a different direction. Would exploring how I played Pokemon say something about me that the fact of playing it failed to reflect? I suspected it would and the rest, as they say, was a really long blog post that nobody asked for history.

The smartphone rant would have to wait.