Tuesday, February 6, 2018

the photo journal i'm not working on

Genre: Photography collection

Title: You Can't Handle The Pru!

Estimated publication date: 2019

Ever since I started living in Boston, I’ve joked that the Prudential Tower seems to follow me around. I’d make the comment whenever I would look up and see the building looming overhead – from the Public Garden, from Mass Ave in North Cambridge, from Union Square in Somerville, from my bedroom window. Like Dr. Eckleburg's eyes, 'The Pru' is just there, silent, possibly judging, always keeping vigil from its post high above the town.

Lately, I’ve started to think collecting my little observations would make for an interesting project. Instead of boring those around me with my comments, I would just take out a camera and take a picture anytime I noticed the building when I wasn’t expecting to.

Unfortunately, this would require a piece of equipment I currently do not have (editor’s note: a camera). I’ve compromised for 2018, just to see how it goes, and I’ve simply written down these instances when I would otherwise have taken a photo.

Here are a couple of the highlights so far:

1) I was surprised to see it from the Forest Hills station. It's an interesting view - lots of open space between the southern terminus of the ever-delayed Orange Line and the always-looming tower...

2) I was semi-surprised to realize I was almost directly beneath it one night when I looked out the window of the 39 bus.

3) I was not surprised at all to see it one morning while walking through the Public Garden - I've seen it from there about ten thousand times (approximately).

I’ll chime in from time to time throughout 2018 with more irrelevant updates.