Tuesday, February 13, 2018

the children's book i'm not working on

Genre: Children's book

Title: The Porridge Clause

Estimated publication date: Once I find an illustrator, I'll get going.

This idea has actually made a prior appearance on TOA (my post last January about fake book titles included it).

My intent is a rewrite of the classic fairy tale, Goldilocks. Though most of the details will be familiar to the average reader, the story will be told from the point of view of the three bears and it will be set a little later in the timeline of the original. It is possible this book will be interpreted as a sequel or a parody rather than a rewrite (which I'm fine with).

The lasting legacy of The Porridge Clause will be its exploration into why a blond haired, blue-eyed white girl breaking into a house of hard-working minorities is allowed to eat, sit, and sleep however she pleases in someone else's house without seeming to suffer any consequences. If I'm allowed by society to write a foreword for my own children's book (editor's note: he should not be) I will use this space to openly question why Goldilocks is glorified as a literary classic when it so clearly...well, let's not make the classic mistake of writing the book on the blog, shall we, little reader?

The main obstacle at the moment is one I alluded to above: I'm no illustrator. And unfortunately, I fear doing this with cats instead of bears will diminish the force of my point (so the skills I boasted about a few weeks ago will be of no help). Once I find an illustrator (preferably someone with a basic understanding of copyright law, as well, just in case I can be sued for this by whoever the racist inventor of Goldilocks was) I will probably think a little more seriously about this one.