Monday, January 8, 2018

sobras: epitaph of a small winner

I looked up some online reviews in preparation for writing about Epitaph of a Small Winner. The reviews, as usual, were a mixed bag (with the added bonus/confusion of some being written in Portguese). I was amused to see the writing described as 'modern' (moderno!).

Let's bring my second favorite property, the transitive property, into play here to make a point (1). If my blog is similar to this book and this book was written in a 'modern style' (estilo moderno!), then I guess the logical conclusion is that my blog is 'written in a modern style' (escrito en un estilo moderno!).

Footnotes / monopoly strategy

1. Boardwalk is my favorite property...

In math, the transitive property defines the unknown relationship between 'A' and 'C' given the known relationships of 'A' to 'B' and 'B' to 'C'.

So if A = B and B > C...

...then A = B = B > C...

...or A = B > C...

...then A = B > C...

...thus A > C.