Monday, December 4, 2017

leftovers: march reading review

March, ha.

With all of my Murakami reading completed, I am sorting out a small list to read again for December. As in, this December. This one, right now.

At the time of writing (which is, sadly, not now) I have Sputnik Sweetheart and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle atop my list. I also enjoyed Norwegian Wood and Kafka On The Shore a great deal at the time I read them. And though I did not enjoy them as much while reading, Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage and Hard-Boiled Wonderland are two works I have thought a great deal about after I completed them.

I suspect I'll end up reading those first two, for sure, and picking one of the other four at random to complete the trio. Whatever I don't re-read this month, I'll do so next December.

For some reason, it just seems like a good idea to focus only on re-reading books in December. It's the end of the year, right? Why start something new?