Friday, May 12, 2017

talking shits- april 2017

She had a peculiar style resembling poetry, though she insisted it was not free verse but, rather, a deliberate way of breaking lines in order to speed up reading and intensify comprehension. (Curiously, I find her style to have precisely the opposite effect, which is why I’ve enjoyed it so tremendously — it does what poetry does, which is slow down the spinning world and dilate the pupil of attention so that the infinite becomes comprehensible.)


If you write in an unclear way about big ideas, you produce something that seems tantalizingly attractive to inexperienced but intellectually ambitious students.


When you’re shooting for financial independence, I really like the “track your spending” method better than the “budgeting” method. With a budget, you allow yourself certain quantities of waste and try to stay within them. With tracking, your goal is NO waste, so you challenge yourself to cut every category, except eating, to zero.


He concluded, “If you can’t afford to lose it, you can’t afford to buy it yet—otherwise the object owns you rather than vice versa.”


Anyone can use spirituality to justify their actions.


On the web, articles you have to pay for might as well not exist. Even if you were willing to pay to read them yourself, you can't link to them. They're not part of the conversation.


In high school she already wanted to be a doctor. And she is so ambitious and determined that she overcame every obstacle along the way—including, unfortunately, not liking it.

Now she has a life chosen for her by a high-school kid.


Poverty, too, needs no explanation. In a world governed by entropy and evolution, it is the default state of humankind. Matter does not just arrange itself into shelter or clothing, and living things do everything they can not to become our food. What needs to be explained is wealth. Yet most discussions of poverty consist of arguments about whom to blame for it.


The jail is now the biggest economic engine in the county. “If we don't provide that jail with medical facilities, then those prisoners will be shipped out to other prisons in the state and it will be a tremendous economic blow to the county,” he said.


Other challenges that rural hospitals face are inherent in being rural. Because they are smaller facilities, they typically can't take advantage of economies of scale that can reduce costs.


He told CNN that young people had taken part because they "are tired of the impunity of officials and their children and relatives who can get away with anything."

"They are tired of living below the poverty line while people they pay to rule wisely are swimming in gold," Pravov says.


The official story is that legacy status doesn't carry much weight, because all it does is break ties: applicants are bucketed by ability, and legacy status is only used to decide between the applicants in the bucket that straddles the cutoff. But what this means is that a university can make legacy status have as much or as little weight as they want, by adjusting the size of the bucket that straddles the cutoff.


In rationalising the tour, the Edge cited the 2016 US presidential election and other world events for what he judged to be renewed resonance of The Joshua Tree's subject matter.


He told me, “I’m really just trying to get rich people to stop destroying the planet.”


The Innocence + Experience Tour was well received by critics. According to Billboard, the North American leg of the tour grossed $76.2 million from 36 sold-out concerts. In total, the tour grossed $152.2 million from 1.29 million attendees.


Fields like primary-care medicine seemed, by comparison, squishy and uncertain. How often could you really achieve victories by inveigling patients to take their medicines when less than half really do; to lose weight when only a small fraction can keep it off; to quit smoking; to deal with their alcohol problem; to show up for their annual physical, which doesn’t seem to make that much difference anyway? I wanted to know I was doing work that would matter. I decided to go into surgery.


Does anyone reward politicians for a bridge that doesn’t crumble?


Even if you could, I don't think you'd want to; someone who really, truly doesn't care what his peers think of him is probably a psychopath.


If you make something and people complain that it doesn't work, that's a problem. But if the worst thing they can hit you with is your own status as an outsider, that implies that in every other respect you've succeeded.


An obstacle downstream propagates upstream. If you're not allowed to implement new ideas, you stop having them. And vice versa: when you can do whatever you want, you have more ideas about what to do.


My oldest son will graduate from college on Saturday. I'll sit and watch and try not to cry. The kid who once ate the dog food the dog didn't want will have a degree in philosophy. What he will do with that degree is anyone's guess. I like to joke that his job will involve knowing the difference between a Grande and a Venti, but who knows? As his adviser swears, my son can write and he can think, and that puts him ahead of many job seekers out there.


History suggests that, all other things being equal, a society prospers in proportion to its ability to prevent parents from influencing their children's success directly.


It does seem likely there's some inborn predisposition to intelligence (and wisdom too), but this predisposition is not itself intelligence.


Parents end up sharing more of their kids' ill fortune than good fortune. Most parents don't mind this; it's part of the job; but it does tend to make them excessively conservative.


Your family will always believe that every good thing must come your way because you deserve it. This is exactly what family is good for.

It is also why your family is completely certain it is your fault you’re alone.


I feel like the addictiveness of games and social applications is still a mostly unsolved problem.


Errands are so effective at killing great projects that a lot of people use them for that purpose. Someone who has decided to write a novel, for example, will suddenly find that the house needs cleaning. People who fail to write novels don't do it by sitting in front of a blank page for days without writing anything. They do it by feeding the cat, going out to buy something they need for their apartment, meeting a friend for coffee, checking email. "I don't have time to work," they say. And they don't; they've made sure of that.


Oddly enough, scheduled distractions may be worse than unscheduled ones. If you know you have a meeting in an hour, you don't even start working on something hard.


What's "small stuff?" Roughly, work that has zero chance of being mentioned in your obituary.


Safr has implemented safety tools like a feature that dials 911 for you.


When you're launching planes they have to be set up properly or you're just launching projectiles.

So you do some internal gut check and pick who you think is best.

That’s where it happens. That’s where bias sneaks up on you.


I should also emphasize that the nationwide attention to this incident -- which perhaps could have been handled differently by all involved -- came because of the actions of Chicago airport security, which determined physical force was a necessary means to an end. They, not the pilot or the crew, dragged Dao off the plane against his will.


When you grow up in a conflict zone, or in any fragmented society, it’s natural for each side to dehumanize the other. But if that filter shatters, you can never go back.


Last month, residents of Oga, Akita Prefecture, in cooperation with the central government and the prefecture, conducted an evacuation drill in response to a North Korean missile attack, the first to be held in the country.


If you freak out when people tell you alarming things, they won't tell you them.


Before sophomore Sara Hauptman set foot in a nuclear science and engineering (NSE) class, she was learning to operate MIT’s nuclear reactor.


“It is difficult to speak about but only because in the world a lot of really difficult-to-understand things happen at this moment and as smart human beings we all think about this,” he added.

“But as long as we are not directly involved, life goes on. We should not let them (the perpetrators) affect our life. We have to carry on and we will carry on.

“We can concentrate on football at the weekend, we can concentrate on training because we were not immediately involved, but for the players involved it is a different situation.


Life returns to normal, except for the dog, whose fresh fear of rabbits endures and ensures that the family is never to have rabbit pie again — a sweet, subtle reminder that although we inevitably return to the real world when the reading experience ends, books always transform us and leave traces of themselves in our real selves, to be carried forward beyond the last page.