Friday, March 24, 2017

just stating the facts, vol 1


A sample size of one is nowhere near large enough to prove a causal link between two variables.


Just this past January, Whole Foods announced plans to close its food preparation facility in Everett, Massachusetts.


The only time I ever left work early due to illness was just before Memorial Day weekend in 2015.


I often finished my lunch hours after removing it from the fridge.


Since moving to Beacon Hill in September 2014, almost all of my grocery store trips have been to the Whole Foods location on Cambridge Street.


The Boston Globe found one hundred and twenty-seven violations at the supermarket location it identified as the city's worst offender in a review it conducted of food safety at area supermarkets.


In June of 2016, the FDA sent a warning to Whole Foods corporate headquarters in Austin, Texas.


I learned how to properly wash my hands in March of 2016 and started applying the corrected technique immediately.


I left work at just past noon with a mild fever, aching muscles, and an ever-increasing nausea.


The FDA acknowledges that food left out at room temperature for two hours is at high-risk for developing bacteria and is potentially unsafe to eat.


In the spring of 2016, The Boston Globe reviewed three years of citation records from the city's Inspectional Services Department.


I worked at the same company for five and a half years, a tenure that works out to approximately thirteen hundred lunches.


Rotisserie chickens, particularly those from Whole Foods, are delicious.


Most people consider public transit a breeding ground for germs.


The FDA cited numerous health code violations accumulated over a series of visits to the supermarket chain's food preparation facility in Everett, Massachusetts.


The incubation period of listeria is widely considered to be at least two days.


One problem with food poisoning is that identifying the cause is difficult.


If I forgot to put my lunch into the fridge upon arrival, it usually sat on my desk until I ate.


The Boston Globe review found that the supermarket with the most violations was the Whole Foods located on Cambridge Street.


In the days prior to getting sick, I ate my usual meals save for the rotisserie chicken I bought at Whole Foods the night before.


Symptoms of listeria include fever, muscle ache, and nausea.


We often were allowed out of work early, sometimes just past noon, if a holiday or three day weekend was approaching.


I never skipped eating lunch at work.


Everett is located about a fifteen to twenty minute drive from Beacon Hill.


A sample size of around one hundred or so is a good starting point for those seeking to prove that changes to one variable explains changes observed in another variable.


The FDA noted the discovery of listeria, a bacteria with life-threatening potential, in the Everett facility.


My commute to work included a twenty minute ride on a bus.


Since Memorial Day 2015, I have purchased exactly zero (0) rotisserie chickens from Whole Foods.