Friday, February 24, 2017

the toa game show channel presents: real or fake?

Hi folks,

One of my favorite activities in bookstores is to wander past the nonfiction new release section. I prefer nonfiction, of course, and this activity is useful in finding ideas for what to read next.

But I also get a kick out of just reading the titles. In short, I find most of them a bit ridiculous. A majority seem to predict the imminent cessation of all civilization, usually in a highly dramatic or ironic sort of way. And the puns- oh, the puns- may the pun never set on the nonfiction empire.

So, in that spirit, I've put together a short game. Below are a list of nonfiction titles mixed in with some of my own invented nonsense. Try to guess which ones are real and which ones are mine.

I'll post the answers in the prop admin post for Jan/Feb. (1)

Good luck. See you on Sunday for a review of (possibly) one of these (fake) books.



1) Honeyball: How Big Data is Changing Your Relationships

2) The Porridge Clause: The True Story Of Goldilocks and Her Flight From Justice

3) Language at the Speed of Sight: How We Read, Why So Many Can't, and What Can Be Done About It

4) The Sphere-A-Mid Scheme: How Big Insurance Passes The Buck To Keep Their House Of Cards Upright

5) Apocalypse Tomorrow: Why So Many Predict the End- And Why It Never Comes

6) The Man with the Poison Gun: A Cold War Spy Story

7) Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy

8) The Baby Doomers- The Generation of Waste and Excess That Failed America- and What We Must Do To Fix It

9) The Great Suppression: Voting Rights, Corporate Cash, and the Conservative Assault on Democracy

10) Paying the Price: College Costs, Financial Aid, and the Betrayal of the American Dream

11) All Geek To Me: The Decade of Comic-Con, Star Wars, and The Rise of Silicon Valley

12) Heroes To Zeroes: Tales of Fleeting Success

13) Furious George: My Forty Years Surviving NBA Divas, Clueless GMs, and Poor Shot Selection

14) The Sneer of the Tiger: How Animals Proved Everything Zoos Knew About Captivity Was Wrong

15) Born To Gun: The Second Amendment and How It Fulfilled Our Manifest Destiny

16) Why Time Flies: A Mostly Scientific Explanation

17) Barking at the Wrong Me: How To Recognize- And Treat- Your Aging Dog's Mental Decline

18) Dressing In Disguise: Salsa, Hummus, and Other Healthy Ways to Garnish Your Salad

19) ci2i: The Abbv Age and How It Is Changing Communication

20 ) Let Lying Dogs Sleep: How To Navigate A Modern World of Deceit, Deception, and Misinformation

Footnotes / imagined complaints

1. I have lazy readers so I will post the answers. But...

Googling these titles yourself will give away the answers very quickly!